Fraktal Studios Mobil Uygulama

  • Bu konu 0 yanıt içerir, 1 izleyen vardır ve en son 8 yıl 2 ay önce Anonim tarafından güncellenmiştir.
1 yazı görüntüleniyor (toplam 1)
  • Yazar
  • #6750

    Fraktal Studios is a Turkish mobile app development agency, founded in 2012. It develops mobile & web apps for startups and enterprises. It was launched in originally as a digital agency offering other companies custom mobil uygulama solutions, designs, or marketing productions, including short films.

    We Do What We Love

    yazılım: Working with Android and IOS operating systems, we are developing the most appropriate application to your needs and your budget. We collaborate with you from the beginning to the end of the process providing marketing solutions and making the app accessible.

    mobil oyun: The most fun way to promote your company or your product! Gamers on the go today play on every mobile platform like phones and tablets. We can help you design games that succeed on any type of mobile platform.

1 yazı görüntüleniyor (toplam 1)
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